
Wednesday 16 March 2011


Well - I haven't been doing any walking since Saturday.  Oops!!!  But I am doing a kickboxing class every morning from 6:00 - 7:15 AM!!!!  I think that counts as a good work-out!!  Plus - holy crap that's early.

I have been stuck inside the last few days trying to get all my work done before I leave for 5 weeks.  My goal is to have no internet / mobile connection for the entire walk (except for my blog updates).  So I need to make sure all the bills are paid, all my money is sorted, and get my company filings all in order.  Of course this is the end of my companies fiscal year so I have a few filings to do.  Taxes (US and UK) are coming to a close right now.  AHHH!!!  So much to do so little time.  So I am spending this week wrapping all of that up. 

Hopefully I'll be able to do a little walking next week - although I won't want to overdo anything the week before I leave.  How sad if I clumsily tripped and sprained my ankle or something stupid like that.  I am even scared getting out of the shower now that I'll do something stupid and won't be able to walk!!  AHH!!

Ok - this was my quick break for a blog update.  Now back to work...time to review my US GAAP training and get that ready to sell!!

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