So now - do I (1) do a bunch of short days and see all the towns I want to see and arrive on the 1st. (2) do a couple short days and then some long days so I can see stuff and still arrive -although slightly exhausted-on the 30th. (3) do just normal days according to the planned routes but stay in kinda boring places but have even kilometers of walking each day and arrive on the 30th?!?
Decisions decisions!!!! I guess I'll just see how I feel tomorrow. But I really want to stay in Ponferrada because there is a really cool (supposedly) Templar Castle. But that is 35km from here. So that's either one really long day tomorrow or 2 rather short days. I would prefer 2 rather short days because I climb to the top of the highest point on the camino tomorrow and its a really steep decent and going downhill hurts my poor toes! So I could do two 18km days and stay in Ponferrada and then see how I feel about catching up. I think I'll do that actually! I don't want to be in a rush. I'll figure it out after that. Haha-most of the people I am walking with will be in Ponferrada tomorrow, but they want to finish on the 29th. And Annie was supposed to be here today - but she isn't. She is either in a different albergue or she didn't want to do 2 long days in the crap weather...maybe I'll see her tomorrow in El Acerbo as I think I have convinced myself to stay there :p
Anyways...that sounds good to me :) 2 short days (well, 3 including today) then I'll figure out how to catch up or arrive on the 1st :p
PS- I am in Rabanal del Camino now for anyone following me on a map. 244km more to go!!! :)
I vote for 2 short days in the mountains and catch up later :) xxoo