
Saturday, 23 April 2011

Day 26!

Well- I been trying to upload this for hours but the mobile signal isn't good here. I have removed the pictures - I'll try to add them tomorrow...

Well-again...who would have thought I would walk for 26 days straight?!? I have walked over 600km!! That's over 23km per day - or nearly 15 miles per day (average). Amazing! And even more amazing...I haven't been on Facebook once in all that time! I guess it is possible to survive without it!

So today I have walked about 20km. This was the shortest 20km I ever did! Felt like nothing! I walked with my Irish and Swedish friends today. But they have gone farther on. They wanted to get partway up the mountain. I prefer to have a short day today and tackle the mountain fresh tomorrow morning. Since they don't start walking until later its possible I'll catch up to them tomorrow. They are only going 5-7km farther today. But I wanted to stay in Ruitelan because I have heard from a few people that this is a lovely friendly Albergue with a good dinner :). So here I am!! Ready for a nap because it was kind of a late night with the guys and we stopped at a few bars along the way today as well...its easy to convince an Irishman to have drinks :)

Anyways-I have no grand or inspiring thoughts for today! I am happy I only did 20km today! I only have 168km left!

Omg...some people just arrived. They sound snobby and wanted to see the room first! Its an Albergue...its got bunk beds and not much else...what is there to see?! I hope they don't stay!! They sound like people that are only doing a couple days...and they sound American!! Ahhh...I'll hope they are Canadian...all the weird people I meet are Canadian!

Ok! Naptime :) actually - I better tell the guy I want to have dinner tonight!! Make sure I get to eat! Need my energy to climb 600 meters tomorrow in less than 10km! Ahhh...but I can have another short day if I want because I am a half day ahead of schedule!! Woo hoo!!

Later: I took a nearly 2 hour nap! Amazing! Then went to sit in the sun and read. Then it was time for dinner!! Oh my was it good and there was lots! There was an amazing soup (no idea what kind) and a salad as well! With lots of bread of course! Then a beautiful carbonara!! Mmmm...followed by pudding for dessert! I am so full I can barely move! There is also a german girl here I saw after Pamplona! How funny! She remembered me because my feet were bad! OH! And I just remembered...I learned from the Irish guy that one of the other guys I started with dropped out ages ago!! They met him after Pamplona somewhere and he was going home! He had super heavy boots and bad blisters and his friend wouldn't let hhim rest! LOL! Makes me feel even more amazing!! Ok-bedtime! So tired after all the food! And even one is allowed to wake before 7:00 when they turn the music on!! Woo hoo!!!

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