
Wednesday, 23 February 2011

WOW!!! It's cold!!

So - it's been a while since I been on here.  I'll just say it was a rough trip to the US.  Lots of cancelled flights - a night at the airport and a final flight that was re-routed because of massive wind.  People were throwing up on the airplane.  Very bumpy trip.  But I made it to my final destination eventually.  Only took about 40 hours.  I could have been somewhere cool (or warm like Australia) but the UP is good for now :)

But its super super super cold here.  So I went for a bit of a walk yesterday.  A little over 2 miles to my grandma's house.  Today I got up my courage and did 7 miles over Pine Mountain (which sounds a lot bigger than it really is).  I walked down the steps and just fell on my ass once at the bottom (its super slippery)!!!  Next time I'll attempt walking up the stairs (about 400 - I think).

So I had a nice walk - although super cold.  So cold that by the time I got home I had ICE in my started off room temperature when I left and had ice chunks in it by the time I got home about 2 hours later!!!  Good thing I am going shopping tomorrow so I don't have to go walking out in the cold ;)

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