Tuesday, 3 May 2011
Monday, 2 May 2011
Really the end!
The last 2 days in Santiago were really good! Saturday was great because it was all greeting people and meeting everyone from along the way! Lots of eating and drinking and celebrating. Then yesterday was a bit more welcoming people and meeting but it was also a lot of saying goodbye to a lot of people you know you will never see again - no matter how much you exchange emails and say you'll visit.
But - Annie (she arrived Saturday afternoon so we were together again to celebrate) got a tattoo too!!! What fun!! She got a yellow arrow on her foot as well! And Simon and his new girlfriend that's just as crazy as he is arrived yesterday! Its fun to hang out with people that are only 20! Made me feel like I was 20 again but with all the perks of having a job and some money in the bank! I didn't have to bargain at the grocery store or accept every free food sample that was offered!
Anyways - I really enjoyed my stay at the Parador! And we had drinks there last night! Pretending I can always afford the rich life. Even though I was wearing my scrubby walking clothes that I have been wearing for 5 weeks now! I am really looking forward to wearing a new outfit and putting a bit of makeup on! Mostly wearing a different shirt will be amazing!
Oh - and I need to watch the news or something! I have no idea what has happened in the world over the last 35 days! Obama appears to be on TV now about something - but its in Spanish so I don't understand :p
Ugh oh! I just realized all the flights ahead of mine are delayed or cancelled! Its a bit foggy here! I better not spend all day in the airport!!
Oh! And Ryan Air let me check my walking stick for FREE!! Even the lady at the desk joked about how that's the only free thing offered by Ryan Air! So my walking stick gets to come home with me! Maybe I'll take it to the Lake District with me in a couple days for my next walk!
Well- I'll put one or two more posts on here when I get home. I realized yesterday that lots of people were reading my blog! Not just friends and family but people just interested in the camino. I found a link to my blog on a camino website! Wow I feel cool!! And I feel kinda bad about my whiny days :p The camino has been amazing and anyone can do it if you give yourself enough time! I'll put some bits up about how much I spent and some tips after. This is definitely one of the cheapest ways to travel in Europe! I wasn't a budget pilgrim and never cooked my own meal and I spent a lot less than I would have spent in a normal month just living in London!
So I'll post again from home and add some links to the rest of my pictures! Thank you for reading and for all of your lovely and encouraging comments and messages!